[img]http://i.imgur.com/RcXAaZ6.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Cole Savage [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Skill:[/b] Cole's always been told he's a good actor. Unfortunately, he tends to not be able to use this skill in most situations due to his disassociation with everyday conduct and how one acts on stage or behind a camera. Since the apocalypse, he's tried to fix this to some degree, to hone it into an actual skill for everyday use. He's also familiar with firearms and hunting due to his father's love of both, but Cole never took to these as much as his father did. He'd rather get up close and personal, even if it's not the smartest choice. [b]Personality:[/b] A boisterous man who enjoys being the loudest person in the room. Whether or not he's the most annoying person in the room as well is up to your personal preference, but Cole's been known to attract negative attention easily. It doesn't help that he enjoys hearing his own voice, taking any chance to get a word in on any conversation. He likes to grab attention, and when things start to go south, Cole is known to grow angry as a result. When he's able to be somewhat aware of himself, Cole is capable of putting up a front to hide his true feelings. Might as well use that acting experience for something. [b]Bio:[/b] Cole's father, Cameron Savage, was only fifteen when he fell in love with Christina, the two young enough to think they'd be together forever. Unfortunately, when Cole started to come along, their passion quickly died, and Cameron wanted to move on. He still cared for Cole and helped Christina support him, but he became less attentive once he found his new love-- a woman named Abbey. Cameron went on to have another child with her, the two marrying at the young age of twenty. Most everyone took this turmoil and saw it as an expansion of their extended family, but Cole didn't take to this idea. He wanted more of his father growing up, soon becoming angry with his new wife and his half-brother, Caleb, for even existing. With only fours years of difference in their age, Cameron hoped the two would become close, but as Cole grew older, he wanted less and less to do with Caleb. Perhaps conversely, or perhaps largely just from the consequence of eventually having a second child, Cameron focused most of his attention away from Cole and his mother. Cole had lots of support from his mother's side growing up, but that didn't stop him from wishing his father paid more attention to him. He watched various men come and go from his mother's life, and Cole's desire for attention only grew. Perhaps this was why he got into acting, first doing stage shows for school, eventually trying out for and landing leads in plays. He grew larger, doing drama projects around the community, but Cole wanted more. He wanted to be the biggest person he knew, so that everyone would pay attention to him. Unfortunately, his acting career never really hit off. An extra here, a single line of dialogue there, countless indie projects for people wanting to break into film making... Cole considered moving to a different location, hell, maybe even Canada, but it ended up being a girl that stopped him. She'd one day end up to be his fiance. Caleb, who Cole felt his father favored, had grown a simple life. He'd spent a chunk of his childhood just hunting and fishing with his father, an activity that Cole didn't get to do so often. In fact, Cole grew to resent it in a way. Caleb, the simple younger half-brother, didn't have plans like Cole did. He had no idea what he wanted from his life. He'd left the state to "find himself", only to send a letter home a year later to inform the family that he was gay. Cole thought that this would change everything. Caleb had messed up in his eyes, ran off to practically slap their father in the face. Yet still, Cameron seemed to care about him. No, [i]"Did you get the new part?"[/i], but only, [i]"I wonder what Caleb is up to?"[/i]. Of course, the apocalypse changed all that. The family had to support each other, or so Cole thought. Cameron wanted to take the family East to Louisiana to meet up with Caleb, but Christina grew ill, and everyone decided it would be best to stay. Cole's fiance left him only a month into the chaos, saying that she couldn't be with him under the conditions. It grew even worse for Cole, as his mother eventually died from her illness. She'd been the one to teach him that you didn't need a bite to turn. The family diminished, either eventually dying or leaving. With Caleb to the East and Cole's half-sister to the North, Cameron was torn on what to do. Still, even after the death of his wife, he stuck by Cole. Perhaps he felt it too dangerous to move, but Cole was, in a way, happy with this. For once, he had dad's attention all to himself.