"Mhm. We'll get up early, make our way to Toronto. To be honest I wanna see what all this roboticky bullshit is about with my own eyes." David replied, trading in a bunch of dirty ammunition in exchange for those sharp-tipped rounds, Armor Piercing type. Then he looked at Levi almost defensively, "I'm just makin' sure that if it ain't BS, I have what I need to put bigger holes in bots. That 'nade launcher should do wonders too..." Dave turned to leave, but span on his heel and pushed back into the front of the line, apparently not giving a fuck about the angry-looking mercs. "Ah. One more thing mate, you got any .308 APs?" The store owner nodded and brought up an ammo crate from under the table, opening it to reveal the bullets Sarah used. But these ones were shiny-tipped, sharp like the ones Dave bought earlier, only his own were smaller. "I'll take.. hm.. Twenty." David said, passing over a bunch of caps with one hand and taking the satchel of bullets with his other. After the transaction, he turned away and walked with Levi back toward the little shack the two vault dwellers would crash in for the night. "I think Red deserves these for putting up with me all this time." Dave chuckled. "Beats me why she don't like me being around though..."