Darkhunter saw the reaction he triggered in Ib, and he felt his heart sink almost immediately. He listened to Alfonzo, sure. The cat's ears swiveled and twisted to pick up his voice, but his main focus was Ib. She was just a kitten... he nosed at her back gently, muttering, "I'm sorry, Ib..." He peered down at her with a sorrowful face, sighing. A moment of thought. He lay himself down and wriggled up to her back with his flank flush against her back at as many points as possible, looking sort of like an overgrown house cat in the process. Darkhunter nuzzled at her, then replied to Alfonzo without moving from his position. He spoke softly now, belying the thunderous shout he had just unleashed. With his tail draped over Ib's side, he told Alfonzo, "How can I be real and not be at the same time, skin-thing? The point you raise is infinite and silly... we could talk for moons about who is real and who is fake, but, you have to realize how fake you look to me. I have never seen such silly creatures. Such exposed skin, blunt teeth, and such an awkward stance. Just looking at the way you teeter upon two legs makes me want to fall." he shifted a little, sighed, and continued, "I do hope this is a dream, Alfonzo, but I am not counting on it, and perhaps you shouldn't either. I keep hoping that any second I will blink my eyes open to Nightspirit or Starfall's heavenly faces with their tongues dabbing at my cheeks, concerned for me because of my thrashing in a nightmare. I can't tell you how much I hope that is the scenario." Another pause, a swallow, then more, "But... if that is not the case, if I truly have simply vanished, I need to find a way back to my lands, my forest, and my pride." He just then noticed the other female, crouching near them. He raised his head and looked over the young girl to the older female, telling her, "I am sorry if I startled you as well. I... lost my temper, and I apologize deeply for it." He didn't wait for forgiveness and lay his head down again once he was done talking. His tail tip was flicking to and fro every few seconds, but besides that, the jaguar lay still next to Ib. The screaming from across the room was hurting him, but he was afraid of hurting her more if he tried to use a psychic power on her. He already was slightly numbing Ib's hearing to protect her from the racket in the room.