[center]---[/center] [i][b]"Oh, my, oh, my. What a great fuss. It seems as though I've made a mistake--and I'm terribly sorry, my good guests."[/b] The voice, sounding all too much like glass cracking, resounded through the halls as if our heroes sat at the pit of a dragon's belly. The paintings clattered against the walls like hail against metal. The occupants of the room found it rather hard to move, for a moment. A light began to materialize around the Orc, Ghazghkull, until he was but a silhouette, however all else in the exhibit dimmed to a dusky shadow. [b]"I won't have you ruining this. Begone."[/b] Sung with a malicious finality, those words triggered a huge, blinding flash--and when the grains cleared from the onlookers' eyes, there was no Orc to been found. What stood in his place? A line of dazed individuals, as groggy, disoriented and confused as the first guests had been only ten minutes before. [center]---[/center] It may not seem as important as what had just taken place, but it might be worth it to mention what one might face in the east-wing exhibit--just down the hall, there, if you'll look. The room where they'd enter the museum was rather small and ordinary, compared to this behemoth and its goliathan cousin, which it was connected to. A might bit friendlier as well, considering the detached, cruel way the previous exhibit had let them know what situation they were faced with. It was a giant movie theater! A treat, don't you think? [hider=the theater][img]http://www.thecityofseattle.com/images/albany-movie-theaters.jpg[/img][/hider] The room was nearly a football field in length, with enough seats to pass as a modern Colosseum. At both sides of the screen, there were doors labeled in neon green: "EXIT". Under the balcony of the 1'st class seats, there was a small door to one, far side. Taped to it were ten pieces of printer paper, all reading, "DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR". Of course, none of this matters much anyways. The participants are rather busy in the first exhibit at the moment. [/i] [center]---[/center]