"YEEEEAAAAARRRRRGGGG!!!!!" An army charged towards a fortress. Giants, Barbarians, Archers. A powerful attack against a powerful defense. Cannons could be heard firing, mortars threw rounds into the sky, archer towers sent out blasts of flames, and arrows filled the skies. Soldiers died, defenses fell, buildings were destroyed. A lot of things were happening at that time. However, among the army was a unit that struck fear into the hearts of defenders everywhere. That brought destruction and chaos to the battlefield that made Dragons look tame. [b][color=darkorange]"Destroy!"[/color][/b] An electronic voice bellowed across the field of battle. The tree's shook and bent as something neared the base. The ground trembled as the weight of the incoming enemy approached. A shadow seemed to grow from the brush as it grew even closer. Then, it stepped into the light. The sun reflected off it's metallic surface, as it's pinkish-purple glowing eyes scanned the defenses. It then began to walk briskly towards the base, straight towards the wall keeping a group of barbarians from getting inside. The massive warrior lifted an equally large sword, before bringing it down on the wall. Within a few hits it was through, and the army spilled in. As the warrior smashed through the base, it let out an evil laugh every time it caused a building to collapse. Not only that, but the arrows, cannons and even bombs thrown at it all bounced off. This warrior was unstoppable. After a few minutes, the base was in ruins. Only the town hall remained, with a couple archers stationed up top in a feeble effort to protect the last building. The great metal warrior now slashed at it, and within a few hits had the building down to it's minimum health. It raised it's sword, intent on finishing the job, only to find the building gone. Not only that, but the army and everyone it had been with also had vanished. It's vision faded to black as something weird happened. [i]((Meanwhile, someone banged their fist against a desk and swore as the battle timer ran out. Swearing they hated using an Iphone instead of an Ipad.))[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Confused and lost, the great warrior looked around. Having never been inside before, the P.E.K.K.A. was completely bewildered by the art displays. Sure it had seen the villagers and builders go inside buildings, but it had always remained outside. So to no longer see the blue sky and the tree's that surrounded the army camp was very disorienting for the metal warrior. Looking around the room, it saw all sorts of smaller creatures. Mostly they reminded it of villagers, albeit stranger ones. The wore clothes that looked strange to it, very different. As it tried to comprehend the situation, it began to grow angrier. However, something caused it to forget the new information completely. One of the paintings on the wall showed a [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/Blue_Morpho.jpg]blue butterfly[/url]. But it wasn't just any blue butterfly. It was[i]the[/i] blue butterfly. The blue butterfly that the P.E.K.K.A. had chased after not to long ago. Narrowing it's glowing eyes, the P.E.K.K.A. judged the distance between itself and its tiny blue nemesis. Leaping with an agility that would be better fitting on a cat, the P.E.K.K.A. slammed into the wall where the butterfly was, no doubt shaking the entire building.