[i]Officially the worst day ever.[/i] There was a voice in his head, the fact he had just fallen down a hole that was at least ten feet deep and all of his cybernatics were screwed up. To top it off, he lost his job, was stuck on the scummiest planet in the universe with two con-artists and a robot that seemed to be the only thing to actually appreciate his existence. The last thing he had truly remembered was opening the map with Fiona, Vaughn and Sasha. And now he was [i]here.[/i] [center] --- [/center] Rhys had a blank stare and stood with a bit of a tremble. What just happened? Was he killed and unaware of it? Did the fall sent him into some sort of trip, coma or otherwise? It didn't really matter right now, because quite frankly, it was better than being stuck on Pandora. [i][b]Everything[/b][/i] was better than being trapped on Pandora. "Where --," he began before stopping and looking at the art on the wall. Some of it was creepy and some of it was ominous, but for some reason, he didn't particularly have the energy to scan it. Instead, he just admired it for a moment, "...At least it's better than stuffed people." [i]Yeah, that was a good point.[/i] Rhys suddenly jumped, only a moment, as a brute of some sort, one that he hadn't seen before, smashed into a wall, "Whoa! Calm down there, would you?!"