"I hate falling" Gorrendil muttered under his breath and groaned as he lifted himself up from the floor, holding his head in pain. His vision was blurry and his legs were like jelly. So what happened next to our self proclaimed "Awesomest Eldar in the Galaxy"? He fell down again, face first. Picking himself up from the quite embarrassing face plant fall, the "Awesomest Eldar in the Galaxy" looked around the room, eyes adjusting to the light. He saw a white room made of.... what did the Mon'keigh call it? Plascrete. That's it. With some paintings on the wall. Gorrendil then realised he was not alone in this room. Quite a few humans and..... a mutated Gyrinx? Shaking his head of the absolutely preposterous idea, he then saw that most of the occupants were.... of the female kind. He grinned and thought to himself 'Now that me and that.... cheating, lying ass of a Gue'vesa are over, I am now free!' Inner Gorrendil rubbed his hands with glee. He looked at the few possessions that were on him. He began checking them off "Shuriken pistol, check. Wraithbone sword, check. Las pistol, check. Flamer pistol check. Pants on, check. Boots on, check. Shirt on....." Gorrendil realised with great horror that his shirt was off, lying in a pile next to his cloak. He looked at his chest, enveloping in his memories. Scars were a plenty, a few nasty burns and the medical bandage rolled on his left shoulder revealed of his past quests. It revealed the bionic arm on his right, whirring with stress, it's Machine Spirit working tirelessly. It revealed the stab wound from a Space Marine recruit, faded to the winds. He was instantly saddened. It revealed that.... scar above his heart. The day Emily..... tried to kill him. Tears fell from his eyes as memories washed over him. That day.... was a day to forget. As a behemoth crashed into a wall.