After Greyson and Daniel had said they didn't feel like exploring, Robert got distracted by a small string on the back of his hoodie. In order to grab it he had to turn his waist, but this only got it farther from his reach. So now he was spinning around in a circle trying to grab the loose string. He almost resembled a dog chasing it's tail. If anybody was listening to what Priscilla was saying, which Robert had unfortunately missed as he was too busy with the string, they probably would have been holding back laughter at the irony of the situation. He finally decided that that wasn't working and tried grabbing around the string, hoping to pull it closer so he could get it that way. It was then that he accidently activated one of his bracers and the blade cut a large hole in the hoodie. Since the hoodie was already caked with mud and dirt and already had multiple holes all from the team's test though, Robert didn't really care at this point. At this point, he decided to leave the string since the only way he'd get it now was by taking it off and he didn't feel like doing that at the moment. "Well, if you guys aren't coming then let's go, Priscilla," he said. He waited for Priscilla to finish getting ready and tried his best to ignore the conversation she was having with the guys, deciding that if he was supposed to hear it that she would have included him. He knew they were probably talking about him and since everyone was mostly buddy-buddy with each other it didn't matter what they said. When Priscilla and him finally left the room, Robert said, "I hope the lines aren't too long for food. Food would be nice. Food is good." He was silent for a few moments then asked, "What do you think they'll have to eat?"