"Ignore them or not, it's up to you. The fact of the matter is..." He stopped. He wasn't about to get into all of his problems with the various supernatural beings of the world. Especially not one of the servants of the reaper who was arguably the only neutral party. Except one or few times in history, but those being arguably weren't THE Reaper. Just various incarnations or something along those lines. "We'll just have to agree to not try and destroy each other, and yes it is possible that I could in fact destroy you just as you could me, and try and clean up some of the mess that's been created." He spoke rather fast and smooth as one might expect of a con man and generally covered most of the bases of the conversation. He didn't wait for the servant of death to rebut his words and simply began to follow after Tesla. "Little word of advice, never be so eager to accept help. It often rarely comes without a price from those that run in the same circle as our new... Friend..." He said pausing for a moment to think of words that would be insulting. Though even using the positive word didn't mean much given the somewhat negative tone of voice. After reaching the lab he made sure to remain back behind the glass as he had been instructed. He watched calmly. It was interesting and yet somewhat dangerous to think that Tesla had to do this. How often did he need to? This along with other questions popped into Nicolas's mind as he began to try and plan how he would get Tesla into position as the CEO of Wayne-Stark Enterprises. "We're really gonna need to talk and do some serious planning to get everything worked out, mate. I hope you're ready." Of course, this time would also call for negotiations of payment.