if you need me kombei im going to be taking this one since he may have a future as a medical ninja" shin sensei told kombei as if they were old buddies and shin walked to his infirmary with Angelo on his back. once he was in the infirmary shin went to work pulling out the bone fragments himself and bandaging angelo up and waiting to for him to wake up as he smoked more. kombei watched as Shin took the boy to the infirmary then he turned to the students that would study under him which apparently were probably going to become kage's of their villages one day considering their chakra so he nodded to them "alright then we shall train here." then he turned to leiko and nodded to her "very well you will find Mario sensei in his "studio" inside the temple just go to your right when you go in you cant miss it" He said using the term studio lightly considering it was where he drew seals and more often then not his own ninja art as he like to call it. Then kombei sensei made a few seals "earth style: pitfall justsu" he said making a large crater below them and the only things keeping them from falling in was the pillars under then that were barly large enough for their feet "this excersie will help you keep balance while controlling your chakra. I will constantly be throwing stones at both of you and the pillars below you will shrink gradually until you will be forced to balance under a spike while avoiding stones. are you both ready?"