[i]"Yeah. Please don't send me fire again. I know magic isn't real, but science is. Even if I saw someone make a real, live cow fall from the sky and start doing a dance in a skirt, I wouldn't believe it was magic. I don't think you can change my mind about that.[/i]" She paused as the items came up again, putting the menu back, and grabbing the strange paper. It smelled strange- similar to her books, but with more human contact, and really stood out. She folded it and hid it under the book, looking up at the robot waitress that brought her fries and soda. IT beeped for payment, and in response shot out a little scanner, which Jo put her hand on. A quick flash, and the robot went away, leaving jo to her book. "[i]Sorry, the robo-waitress brought my food. I don't think you're lying, but I do think you're maybe misinformed. Or something. Humans can't generate fire like that, without technology.[/i] " She paused, furrowing her brows slightly. "[i]Enemy? Are you in danger?[/i]" She slid the map from under the book, glancing at how strange it was. "[i]...Stay safe, if that's the case. Tell me when I can send your map back. And, don't worry, I hate that foam too. But, I can't have fire where I am.[/i]" She sighed, beginning to pick at her fries and sip at her soda, looking out the window at the clouds, until she noticed words fading back in her book again. "[i]..Earth? That's the planet I live on.... OH! IT'S SOIL! DIRT![/i]" She wrote excitedly, looking at the pile next to her with renewed surprise. "[i]I've been told that the soil below here is toxic. Hills? Fields? Your world is sounding more and more...[/i]" She paused, looking for a word. "[i]...Fantastical. Unreal. At least, to me. Also, YOU HAVE BIRDS???[/i]" She couldn't scribble out enough excited question marks at the thought of birds. "[i]How big are they? Are they pretty like the ones on T.V.? Do you have flightless birds, too?[/i]" She paused, making herself grab some fries, put a few in her mouth, and move on. "[i]Sorry if I'm asking too much. Also, I only sent you a menu from the restaurant I'm in. it's nothing much. It's as simple as, well...[/i]" She looked around, settling on her cup. "[i]Simple as drinking soda. I'd say breathing, but sometimes the air outside gives me a headache, and on windy days, air can literally escape your lungs, so it's a bit harder than that.[/i]" She skipped a few lines before continuing. "[i]What are seers? Do they predict the future? If they don't have anything better than a simple menu, they're not gonna get far. And, I can kind of tell I seem weird to you. You've never seen a *menu*, let alone heard of a robot.[/i]" She responded, drawing a line under and forcing herself to stop. She looked away from the book, to the clouds outside, not noticing that she dropped a fry into the book.