"Whoa whoa there Miss I wasn't going to do anything to it. I saw it sitting here and figured I'd take a look at it. Saw it was an import and thought it might have some cool articles. Better than button mashing my way to hell on this little thing." Gary said handing her the magazine and then pointing out he had a hand held game system with him. "If it means anything I'm sorry for taking your magazine without permission just saw it was left out so I saw no harm in checking it out. You know like those magazines at the doctor's office. Oh yeah I almost forgot about this... Miss is this yours too? I found it nearby." Gary continued offering her the small strap that had the name Quatre on it. Gary didn't really want to deal with a panicked girl so he'd figured it was best to just chill out and have her calm down a bit. After all if this magazine was hers then why would he have any right to say wait or no despite the fact that he was just about done reading it. "Oh and the name's Gary by the way."