" [i] why would you make a cow dance? They are only used for meat and milk. Nothing more. Though if given enough time I am sure I can figure out a way to prove to you that there is no technology here that can generate fire the way I can. It is used in everything. Magic I mean. We use it to build our monuments, and erect great weapons of war. We destroy and we heal with it. We slaughter innocent beings in the name of a better tomorrow." [/i] Cyrus pondered a way to make her believe in what he was saying. For her to so deny what is truth was ridiculous but overall understandable. Only 1 in a hundred thousand could use magic and even less in the sheer power that those like Cyrus or the Seer's can. He did however feel the pull of the earth that he sent through, as well as his map. It was almost as if sending objects that he could see and touch left a permanent connection to his ability to manipulate them. He thought about it and decided to test that another time when this Jo person was in a secure location so no more of that 'foam' permeated his senses. " [i] Yes. Dirt. Soil. Ground. Grass. And no. As far as I can tell the land that I tread on isn't toxic unless we sow salt on the fields of our enemies, or lay waste to an army and feed the plants with their blood. [/i] He paused and looked up, seeing a small forest bird eying him suspiciously before turning it's attention elsewhere and flying off. " [i]Birds are that much a surprise to you. They are everywhere. Some as small as a babes hand, others big enough to devour a grown man whole. Some are beautiful and their feathers are used to adorn nobles and ladies cloaks and dresses. I've only seen flightless birds to the far north in the lands of eternal winter. Odd creatures that the locals trained to fish for them. Though they seemed to 'fly' through the water with their wings... [/i] He stopped when he saw the stick that was colored like a potato pop through the book. Cyrus picked it up and sniffed it before eating it. The flavour was unreal. He knew it tasted like a potato, but unlike any other potato he had ever had. It was salted just perfectly and somehow baked like bread. Or maybe fried like the fish in the port markets. He was tempted to ask for more but decided against it, feeling it better to return the favor on his own somehow. Shaking his head he continued on with his response. [i]They are the most powerful of the magus. Capable of leveling cities, or causing the earth to weep it's blood. They serve m'lord and his father and his father's father before that. It is said they unlocked the power of immortality through perfection of their magics, though at the cost of their mobility they can serve the throne with insight and power. [/i] Sighing he placed his hand to rest, and rather then meeting the resistance of the book, he felt it slip through and go...somewhere. He felt disembodied from it but at the same time connected. He flexed his hand and quickly pulled it back through looking at it. Where ever the other writer was, it seemed it was far away from here He quickly started to write, his before skill and savantry thrown out the door so to speak " [i]Did you just see that? My hand went though the book. Now I can prove it to you. I need you to get somewhere safe so I can. Quickly lest this idea only proves to be a farce or temporary contingent in the books powers.[/i]"