A couple hours after her departure from the Hall, Zaylin rested at the base of a tree, half of the amethyst-studded staff laying on the ground to her right, and the other to her left. She took a deep breath of the fresh air, relishing the earthy scent lingering around her. As the invigorating sensation of the approaching night tingled across her skin, she checked the time then wiped a thin layer of sweat that had yet to dry from her forehead. Grabbing the halves of the staff, she used them to help her to her feet. Gripping them close to where they had connected, she placed the apparently severed ends together, and they molded back perfectly into one piece, one side twisting slightly to line up the gems. Picking up the other—still in its full seven-foot glory—from the center of the small clearing, she again lifted them so they would not drag on the ground and rested the shafts on the crook of her shoulders. Deciding to take the long way back to the Hall, she made her way toward a trail that would take her near the lake. With enough space around her on the trail, she transferred both staves to one hand. Gripping them further down the shaft with other, she placed them behind her neck and continued forward, her hands keeping the staves in place. As she neared the water, ever vigilant for any sign of a teacher on patrol, the sound of two female voices made her stop. She tilted her head toward the lake, listening for a moment as she tried to determine whether the voices belonged to students or faculty. Deciding on the former by the bits of conversation, she glanced back the way she had come, debating on if she wanted to disturb them. [i]It’s probably longer that way, now,[/i] she thought. With a slight shrug, she closed the remaining distance between her and the lake and emerged from the thin path near the small body of water. Taking a moment to locate the bodies belonging to the voices, she found two girls she did not recognize a short distance away in the direction of the continuation of the path. Though the ground felt a bit softer beneath her shoes, it still held mostly firm as she stepped cautiously toward them. “Hey,” she said as she neared, offering a friendly closed-mouth smile. “Didn't expect anyone else to be out this way this late.”