Lydia couldn't say that she was surprised that Ragna had noticed what the mention of Jezebel had done to her. She had hoped he hadn't, had hoped that she had been able to mask her feelings quick enough, but she knew her silence must have given her away. She felt utterly conflicted. She cared for Ragna in her own way and [i]had[/i] enjoyed being with him, but at the same time she still wasn't sure how she felt about being a side woman and fully knowing there was another one. While Lydia had never been in another relationship of any sort and didn't really know what one should be like, she did know what one [i]shouldn't[/i] be like. Yet they had no definite relationship, and Lydianna couldn't ever be sure there would be one. Not only because of their differences in race, but also due to the fact that she had no idea how much longer her life might be depending on what the demon king had in store for her. Whether her life was to be short lived or if she would be lucky enough to have a long one, it was better for Lydianna to decide what she wanted now and not make either of them wait until it was too late. So she made her decision. Motioning Ragna down so that his face was close to hers, Lydia suddenly draped her arms around Ragna's shoulders and kissed him fiercely. She didn't care, she decided. Didn't care what happened, or when. She would take things as they came. Finally releasing Ragna from the kiss she said, "We'll go to your manor and get your armor." A mischievous smirk appeared as she added, "Besides, then you can easily compare the beauty of a demon woman to the beauty of an elf." This was the first time Lydia had ever mentioned her looks in a way that was almost prideful. Almost, as she still felt a little awkward talking about her own appearance.