This is my CS, finally. What do you think? [b]Name:[/b] Ivy Harris [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Date of Birth:[/b] January 10th 1990 [b]Image/Description:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Species:[/b] Human (Hunter) [b]Background/Occupation:[/b] She works in a local library when she's not doing her duty as a hunter. [b]Residence:[/b] An apartment she recently rented out in the centre of London. [b]Personal Possessions:[/b] Ever since leaving her old Hunting group, she keeps a gun loaded with silver bullets with her at all times for werewolves. She also has a stock of crossbows and arrows at her place for vampires, which are her currently the only target she knows how to properly deal with. She also has recently acquired a pet mixed breed dog who she's named Sheila, as she has heard that dogs are good at sensing monsters, and she plans to take Sheila out with her on patrol soon so she can put this theory to the test. [b]Backstory:[/b] Ivy's been in the hunting business since age 21, and even then, life hasn't been particularly easy for her. Her mother suffered from severe paranoia, leading her to be overprotective and over-possessive of her husband. If Mr Harris didn't return home at least an hour after his work had finished, Mrs Harris would end up calling him and getting upset, and Ivy usually had to look after her. Fights between her mother and father happened a lot, and one time, ceased by rage, her mother actually attacked her father. This was the last straw for Ivy's father and he ended up filing a divorce. He and Mrs Harris also got into a custody battle over who would take care of Ivy - Ivy was twelve at this time. This went on for at least a year, but finally ended after a particular incident: Ivy started to realising, during her puberty, that she had an attraction to a girl at school, and, slightly worried by this, decided to confide in her mother. Ivy's mother flew into a rage and attacked her own daughter before throwing her out of the house. After this, Ivy called her father from a pay-phone and he came to pick her up. A few months later, Ivy's father gained custody of his daughter, and Ivy's mother was sent to an institution to receive treatment. Ivy's life became a little more comfortable after this, though she received some bullying during school due to her sexuality. Her father did his best for his daughter, though he did feel that the lack of a mother figure wasn't helping Ivy's development. Come age 18, once Ivy had left school, Ivy tried to get into college, but her grades, which were less than satisfactory, meant she never succeeded. This caused some tension between Ivy and her father, who Ivy was still living with at the time. Ivy then applied for a couple of jobs here and there, before eventually being accepted to work at a local library. Not ambitious, but at least it was a job. Then, when she age 20, Ivy started receiving unusual messages... as in, she'd be looking at a book, and the words would start changing, shifting, saying things that they hadn't said before. The messages were different each time, but they always contained the same sentence somewhere within them: "IT IS A LIE." Ivy was worried that she may have inherited her mother's psychosis, and started taking therapy. Her therapist didn't believe that Ivy's condition was quite a serious as her mother's, but helped as much as they could, prescribing various anti-depressants to Ivy, which she took, and after year, she stopped seeing the messages and believed she was going to be okay. One night though, when she was working late at the library, she had an unusual encounter with a rather beautiful woman, who was in the library soon before it was meant to close. This same woman, known as Eleanor, gave Ivy her phone number, saying she would like to get to know her better. Anxious but excited, Ivy decided to go on a date with Eleanor, having never been on a proper date before. The two got on reasonably well and, afterwards, Eleanor invited Ivy back to her place. Ivy declined, being nervous, and tried to leave, then prompting Eleanor to attack her, knock her out and her drag her back to Eleanor's apartment. Ivy, of course, didn't know this at the time, but Eleanor was in fact a vampire, and she tried to forcefully changed Ivy into one of her own. However, Eleanor soon found that Ivy seemed to be immune to vampirism. She became angry, realising Ivy was in fact one of the chosen meant to become a Hunter, and tried to killer. She may have succeed, too, had a group of local Hunters not found them at that exact moment and killed Eleanor. They told Ivy, who understandably scared and confused, who they were and that she was in fact a Hunter, someone who had the power to fight against monsters, and told her to join them. Ivy was reluctant at first, but after later witnessing another vampire attack, she started working with the gang of hunters, who, while aware that other species of monster exist, specialise most in hunting down vampires. She worked with them for a couple of years before realising she didn't really agree with some of their ideas, as the group only really bothered with vampires and could be fairly apathetic when it came to the casualties of bystanders, so now she works a solo hunter, trying to take down all monsters and do her best to protest mankind from danger. So far, though, it hadn't been easy, and working alone has started to wear her down. [b]Personal affiliations:[/b] Ivy has cut herself off from her old group and knows no one else who is part of the Masquerade. At this moment in time, she is almost completely alone.