When the girl he thought was Thisa failed to respond, other than [i]possible[/i] snoring, Harold wondered if there was something wrong with her. Deciding this warrented investigation, he calmly approached the sleeping girl. When he stood right next to the bench, looking down on the sleeping girl, Harold realized that the girl was [i]asleep[/i]. [u]And that[/u] was why she'd failed to answer him, and notice his approach. While it did very well appear to be Thisa, especially do to the scarf and coat, Harold would reserve judgement. Afterall, it wasn't like the two of them had gotten around to talking about family that day. Perhaps she had a sibling, maybe even a twin. He wouldn't know yet. Best to hold off till he had at least slightly trustable certification. In all honesty, Harold was slightly amused by watching the would-be-Thisa sleep. He normally didn't have the chance to observe a sleeping person, and she was in all honesty, looking a little like a kitten. Harold was also starting to consider rethinking his state of sanity....but then again, sanity is unecessary! Harold was pondering what to do currently. He could let the sleeping girl lie, out here in the cold....alright, [i]maybe[/i] he'd let her have a coat or blanket as well.... Or, he could try to wake her up. That would be fairly rude. However, at the same time, Harold wondered if she'd even really meant to sleep all that long. It was already in the evening hours, so it was unlikely one would like to miss diner. As well, it wasn't like she'd brought a blanket with her. She'd even used [i]her own coat [/i]as a sort of matress! If that didn't say "I'm just taking a nap," then Harold [i][u]really[/u][/i] didn't know what did.