Hello everyone! I'm very interested in joining this RP! The writing quality and community is great, and the characters are fresh and interesting. I'd like to iron out my power before anything else since that's typically the most troublesome part of a CS. [b]Power: [/b] Trick House [b]Effects: [/b] User can store, hold, and withdraw any substance within a "pocket" dimension. [b]Dimension capacity: [/b] User's Trick House can store any variety of substances with a mass equal to the users mass. So a 180 pound guy could hold 180 pounds of water. [b]Inside: [/b] Anything fully inside is effectively frozen in time. A baseball thrown in will maintain its speed, temperature, spin, ect. [b]Storing and retrieving: [/b] Entrances and exits to the Trick House can be opened anywhere on the user's body, including his or her hair (technically dead cells), as long as said hair/fingernail/tooth is still attached to the user's body. [b]Storage method 1: [/b] Say a meterstick was thrown at the user. The user can allow it to enter the space where his body is and absorb it as it moves forward, committing the entire length to the Trick House. [b]Storage method 2: [/b] Say a meterstick spinning end over end is thrown at the user, and the user is holding his arm in the way. Since the entie length of the meterstick cannot be committed to the Trick House, yet it can still be absorbed, the meterstick will act as if the user's arm was insubstantial and pass straight through it. [b]Limits and specifics:[/b][list] [*]1. When the user stops absorbing a substance partially within the Trick House, that substance will act as if it is connected to the user's skin. Pushing on it will push the user, pulling on it will pull the user. This could cause grievous injury. [*]2. The user can choose whether or not to absorb solids, liquids, gases, and light at will. Somewhat like changing the size of a filter. [*]3. Absorbing living things will cause the user nausea. Bacteria will have next to no effect, but even a small potted plant would cause extreme discomfort. Absorbing a limb would cause debilitating nausea. As a result, the user will unconsciously never absorb living substances if it can be helped. [*]4. The positioning of substances is not fixed within the Trick House. For example, to get at candy in a stubborn wrapper, the wrapped candy could be absorbed, then only the candy could be withdrawn. [*]5. The Trick House cannot be forcefully closed by any means. Half-absorbing and then stopping cannot cut substances. [*]6. When at full capacity, the user simply cannot absorb anything more. [*]7. Anything within the Trick House is known to the user. The user's mind, at a thought, can "know" what a substance is made of. For example, the contents of a box can be known by the shape and makeup of the contents. This knowledge is extremely difficult to fully grasp and utilize, but with practice, can eventually be used to read books by recognizing the printed ink on the paper.[/list][b]IN SUMMARY[/b] User can absorb/expel any substance from anywhere on the body. Storage capacity is equal to user's body mass. Living things can be absorbed but will cause debilitating nausea. [b]Strengths:[/b][list] [*] Hard to injure user [*] Opponent's strength/projectiles can be used against them [*] Excellent at breaking into places [*] Sort of capable of passing through walls [/list][b]Weaknesses:[/b][list] [*] Passing through a wall entirely would result in a nude user [*] A falling brick may not be fatal, but a falling pallet of bricks would be [*] A simple fist to the jaw is effective [*] Highly vulnerable to shapeshifters [/list] I know my profile's experience is sparse. (If you have doubts about my RPing experience, which is understandable, visit [url=http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/off-topic/forum-games/forum-roleplaying/440365-derika-land-of-the-gifted]this forum.[/url] I admined and posted quite a bit on this RP.) Sorry for the really long and complicated post. I hope this power isn't considered OP or anything.