Stewart pocketed the key hastily, saying, "Quite, quite. I suppose we'll just have to find out later. Thank you!" Meanwhile, when Harry opened the wooden box, he saw it stacked about halfway full of name brand gardening supplies! There were several bags of fertilizer, a gardening trowel and spade, bags of vegetable and flower seeds, a bucket and watering can, and some small clay pots stacked inside. But as the box opened, one of the bags of fertilizer shifted, revealing a small jug of a dark green liquid, darker in color than the liquid on the floor. Emblazoned on the jug was the word "CORROSIVE". There was another label on the back of the jug, but it wasn't visible without moving the jug. At the bottom of the box, there was a [url=]yellow 3-ring binder[/url] with a sheet of paper slid into the transparent part of the front cover that read "The Next Step". Below the text was a hand drawn image of a tangle of vines and flowers and leaves. Inside the binder were a few pages about how to care for terrarium plants, though some complicated chemical-sounding words were clearly noticeable. One of the pictures depicted a scale drawing of a venus flytrap shown about 3 times the size of a comparative human under a section titled "What to watch out for". Flipping past the last page revealed a Ring hanging from the center binder ring. The Ring was stainless steel and had a painted pewter leaf on top of it (like [url=]this[/url], but painted green), and it seemed to be lifting up, leaf-first, pointing at the terrariums in the center of the room. This must have been one of those Green Thumb Rings Harry had heard about in the market. The farmers always wished they could get their hands on one so their crops would grow better, saying that it was supposed to be able to give the wearer some kind of small influence over plants! "What-cha lookin' at over thayer, Harry?" Ronnie came over to Harry, flinching against the terrarium plants as he walked by them, "We should check out some of the other rooms and probably get out of here soon. This place is starting to give me the creeps!"