"...All of you are [i]dead![/i]" The big man shouted. Wheatley instinctively began to tremble. He hardly noticed the Fireball collapse and burn out. He forgot momentarily about the other woman. All he could think of was the big man's promise. He shied behind the man in the black to keep distance. He shouldn't have stopped. He should have just ignored the man with the hat and continued onward, away from the fighting. He didn't feel comfortable with Mr. Glowy-eyes, but he felt even less comfortable with Mr. Kill-you-all. The man was considerably taller than Wheatley. That was quite the accomplishment considering the android's height. But even more unnerving was his width. He was strong and muscular. He made Wheatley look like a twig. And now he wanted everyone dead. Wheatley turned on his heal and began to run. There was the sound of bullets and he ducked for cover. It was too familiar a sound. Like Sentry Turrets that didn't speak. He crumpled and shook for fear of losing his seemingly pointless life. A fluid leaked out of his eyes, apparently intending to simulate tears. He just wanted to go back to space. At least it was calm in space.