Marcus shrugged at Aurellius' commentary. "So? This is faster. Unless you have a pressing need to look around the grounds, I want to have the sleeping arrangements settled right away instead of having a fight right before we're going to sleep." he responded bluntly. "Plus I will probably have to attach a proper lock to the bathroom and partition off a bit of the room for miss Diamond given her stated need for privacy." Even when out in the middle of the woods surrounded by hungry Grimm, he added mentally. He did not mind, it gave him something to create. Already several ideas bounced around in his head from privacy screens to a full blown extra room. "[b]Shouldn't you take me to dinner first? Fat chance of that, pal, you have something to prove before you earned yourself that much.[/b]" Marcus blinked at Diamond's tone, thoughtprocess disrupted. "Beg pardon?" he said. Only the small twitch of an eyebrow indicated his confusion. "[b]I have no problem following you to battle, but that doesn't automatically make us buddies.[/b]" Without a further word, she left. Marcus shook his head and resumed the trip to their room. "Well that demonstrates my point. So. She is a private person that does not like people prying. I cannot precisely smell things like that." he sighed. His leadership was off to a memorable start here. "[B]I, for one, actually like the fact that he's willing to take the role of leader, instead of some people I've met in the past who just dilly dally around like dickless oafs and get people hurt, or worse. Most people don't understand what it's like to lead. Trust me, it ain't worth it. Marcus, you are a poor, poor sap to have gotten stuck with that role. A poor...poor sap.[/b] Oswald said. "Uneasy lies the head upon which rests the crown, as the saying goes. Still, I'll live." Marcus replied with a hint of a smile. So at least one of his teammates valued his judgement. "Regardless. Point is I would like to know about anything that will set you off like the missus so we can avoid too much brooding, accidental murderous rampages, and stolen rations. That would be nice." he summarised. The room was a fairly neat affair, if a bit spartan. The most eyecatching thing in it was Diamond, who somehow got inside before the three of them. Marcus stared at her as she waved. Then with a shrug promptly tossed his hat on one of the bedposts of the bed furthest to the left. "Hi. Dibs on that bed." he greeted her. Some things you just had to accept and roll with. Like the weather or chocolate sprinkles on bread or ninja teammates.