[center][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/2e40169ecc0c2a01d38ffa079685a1a8/tumblr_nb8fx2gKXp1qdie0jo1_500.gif[/img][/center] Electing to ignore Catman's snide remarks, he moved forwards, only to be blocked by Ravager who side-stepped into his path. Digger furrowed his brow at her comment, before turning away and scowling. "Don't worry princess, wasn't interested anyway." Who was he kidding, this girl wasn't worth his time or energy! Besides, if this broad was Mad Eye's heir, then he didn't really wish to piss the big guy off, especially with everything he had heard about him! As Belle Reve's second douchiest inmate bragged about some interesting exploits about his feline life, a rush off wind and bright light welcomed back the prison's biggest douche. Digger's brow furrowed even more at the Reverse Flash's appearance, with the Australian neglecting to keep his ignorance a secret. Nothing would make his day more than this guy spontaneously combusting. That was a thought that Captain Boomerang and the rest of the Rogues had when they faced this guy for the very first time when a fight between him and the Flash disrupted one of their old heists, resulting in the group landing a large amount of jail time. Ever since then, all Digger wanted was for the little speedster to just fuck off down to hell. Luckily with Waller in change of the trigger, that dream may come true sooner than expected! Captain Boomerang controlled himself from slamming his fist in the human lightning bolt's face as he spoke to the "squad", his manipulated voice causing him to seethe in hatred! Luckily, Deathstroke took control, moving forward to face an incoming wave of security, with him ordering Boomer himself and Ravager to "cover" him. With a smile, he shot forward, launching several boomerangs forward through the air. While few missed, flying upwards through the air, the majority hit their mark, taking down a good couple of security guards. He watched as Deathstroke interrogated the lone survivor who named the group's next located. Beaming, Captain Boomerang punched the air in a feat of triumph before tailing after the mercenary.