[b]Amy Snow[/b] Amy, after meeting with the Latin teacher, decided that it was quite time she headed back to her dorm. She was tired. More tired than she was used to being. She walked back to Elliot hall a bit slower than she would have normally. At her door she flicked her ID and unlocked it with practiced ease and then collapsed onto her bed almost as the door shut behind her. She lay there for a bit not bothering to even take off her shoes trying to figure out what had actually happened that day. Sunday she was meeting up with a guy, James from the football team, to help him with an essay. Amy had no idea how that had come about. Then after James had left the new kid Nero had decided to talk to her and claimed that she was beautiful, that was just silly. Everyone had always called her plain. She had been passed up dozens of times for adoption, because she was so plain. That's what they said. How had two attractive guys decide to talk to her in one day? [b]Ash[/b] The rest of practice went by quickly. Ash asked Aery if she would like to hang out sometime, and once she got her response Ash waved goodbye. Instead of going back to her room Ash made her way to the top of the dorm hall again. She expected Jamie would show up smelling of grass and cigarets. He'd have some interesting joke or story and then before lights out they'd sneak back to their own rooms. Last year, before everything changed, they used to sneak to the lake on Friday nights. They hadn't for ages though, and Ash missed the murky waters of the lake. At least at home she had had her own family's lake to distract her, but here the chlorinated pool just wasn't enough.