My name is Justin, and I'm trying to get a new RPG off the ground, and I'm hoping to keep trying that here. The issue is that when it comes to internet forums, I have really bad luck. Like, unnaturally bad. Like, fill the room with smoke and get ready for a cleansing ritual, because there is some bad voodoo going on. Okay, I don't actually believe in luck, but I've had a really hard time finding a good forum for this. I started off on GiantITP, but frankly I'm sick of the people there. (Who are not only completely unhelpful, but abuse the "report" button to silence opposing points of view, and are allowed to do so because of the blind idiot moderation done there.) So I've been seeking a replacement. The first site was even worse than GiantITP, the next two sites just don't get enough traffic, another one effectively self-destructed, another site is so full of malware it destroyed one mobile device and it took hours to clean out my computer, and another has had my thread waiting for moderator approval for days. So this is my seventh try. And I'm hoping "lucky" number 7 will turn out better than numbers 1-6. And now that the introductions are out of the way, I have to ask which forum would be the place to go for design and reference posts? Would it be Tabletop Roleplay, or Roleplaying discussion?