[quote=Gwazi Magnum] [quote=Rare] You will be sad to learn that I am a he, not a her. [/quote] Nah, just informed. I honestly couldn't care if you were male or female. You're still a person in the end. [quote=Halo] The incoherence wasn't the primary point being made... Let me spell it out really, really clearly for you: it's kinda impolite and classless to constantly reference how much better you think Iwaku is while you're on this forum. Stop doing it. [/quote] [2] I've been using Iwaku a lot as well. But you don't see me going onto either site declaring one better than the other. [/quote] Thanks for the unnecessary comment, but honestly, nobody gives a fuck what you do or don't do. You don't have to reply to literally everything anyone else posts, you know. Just do it if you have an actual unique point to contribute.