[quote=The Captain] So would I be right in assuming cybernetics and the like are frowned upon or at least rare in Far Valyrius given the emphasis on transhumanism amongst Arius' old followers? [/quote] Good question. No, cybernetics, etc are accepted in the Kingdom. It is one of the main ways in which captains and command staff interact w/ their ships' AI. I think cybernetics would be fairly common among the upper castes. However, techno-barbarians and the Arians have taken cybernetics to quasi religious extremes. My idea was that in the long years of the dark ages, these warlords etc who have been plugged in to their warships have been driven a little bonkers by the AI's slow degradation, and various AIs have made themselves into the 'gods' of their crews. Sooo...in short, the Valyrian cybernetics probably have failsafes and built in limitations that the barbarians lack, which protect them from what happened to the barbarians, but also limit their capabilities in some ways. My idea is that the techno-barbarians are very, very dangerous because they understand the old imperial tech in a depth quite beyond the Valyrians. ^lot of room for development there, but make sense?