[quote=Halo] [quote=Rare] [quote=Doivid] Classy. At least this time I only had to read your post once for it to make sense. [/quote] Yeah, I meant to read over my posts before I post them; but, It seems that I forgot. Oh well, I got to remind myself about it again. [/quote] The incoherence wasn't the primary point being made... Let me spell it out really, really clearly for you: it's kinda impolite and classless to constantly reference how much better you think Iwaku is while you're on this forum. Stop doing it. [/quote] Halo is pretty much on point about this. But I figured it didn't bear clarifying because I assumed Rare intentionally missed the point. Also holy balls the rest of this thread is getting a little out of hand. I think it's safe to say it's a disagreement on not only what spam needs (which is murky anyway, I don't think anyone here is accurate about what will or won't generate activity), but on the fundamental premise of Gwazi having anything to do with that. To have a debate that isn't circular you'd have to get him to agree on the central premise before you try to address why/how he does it or why/how he should stop. So I guess what I'm getting at is please continue, because I think I'm only showing that I'm out of touch with the spirit of forum debates. But I'm still going to click the post reply button. I know showing you all my thought process is totally interesting and relevant. :)