Night wore on into day, yet Reginaldus still meditated on his bed, watching the dreaming minds of his kingdom fade away to an faint haze as they awoke. He continued watching into the morning for a number of reasons. Firstly, he had little better to do, for most of the administrative tasks were carried out by others, leaving Reginaldus with only important decisions and subtle manipulations to make. Secondly, this meditative state was not quite as restful as proper sleep, so he needed to do so for longer in order to be completely rested. Finally, not all people in his kingdom follow a diurnal lifestyle, be it for legitimate or not so legitimate reasons, so meditating through the morning meant he could examine those minds too. In the towns, everything seemed normal. The night watchmen were drifting off to sleep, as were the few other people who had worked that night. Reginaldus noticed in the town by the jungle a man's mind running with memories of a small burglary that had been committed that night. He planted a seed of guilt in the mind and planned to send an anonymous tip to the local police. He was almost done sweeping across his kingdom when he noticed a single mind in a deep sleep far from any village or home. This peculiar occurrence prompted his investigation. At first glance the mind seemed to belong to a young girl, but stirring within was something strange, both in thought and in nature. He probed deeper, concentrating his attention on this odd mind, and what he found was most unsettling. In her memories were flashes of an icy wasteland, over-bearing cold and grotesque beings which seemed like the Ice Witches. At first he assumed that this girl had somehow fled from Kythnos in the North, but then the memories continued to a mighty yet, to this mind at least, soothing fire. This fire burned first the Ice Witches and then, later, the entire icy wasteland. Finally the memories revealed reality itself shattering and a sense of great relief and freedom as sunlight and fresh air were encountered for the first time in a long while. Reginaldus was considering how powerful a magician this girl must be when he realised that he was not alone inside this mind. He sensed two other souls residing in this mind, one male and one female, neither were human in the slightest, both were very powerful. This was troubling to him, for he had not ever seen such a powerful individual before. Should she be hostile, she would be a great danger, but so far he could not discern any motive or goal in her. He tried to search more, to find more information about this strange yet powerful girl.