-=Fort Gansforth, Sedan Territory near the Takari Border=- Fort Gansforth has stood as Sedan's first line of defense against the creatures of Takari since the fall of the Beasts. But the once legendary Fort now lies in ruins, its gates splintered and shattered. The Brave Suldan knights who defended its walls now lay slaughtered their bodies scattered across the courtyard. A horde of Orcs now stand before the keep cheering at their victory. A red skinned Orc stands on the overhanging balcony holding the Knight Commander over the edge. "Today we have shown the filthy Humans exactly why they used to fear our kind! Why they should fear us!" The Orc yelled to his troops who gave a cheer at the words. "We now have a land to call our own and this is just the beginning! Soon the Bloodfang Clan will claim our rightful land and subjugate these pitiful Humans!" He continued just before tossing the Commander off the balcony leaving the broken corpse to rot with his men. The orcs below cheered in victory, a dreadful cheer that spread out for miles around the keep.