[i]This must be fate,[/i] She thought to herself, nodding sagely. Sure, she had the tendency of referring to any little coincidence as "fate" or "destiny", but she [i]really believed it[/i] right now! After all, they were both new here, were both gunning to become noble knights that served that land, and had just so happened to bump right into one another (granted that she had done most of the "bumping" in this case, but that was apparently irrelevant). The revelation that they both shared the same name--or at least, nickname--did nothing to dispel the girl's belief. On the contrary, she looked just about ready to launch herself at him in a hug. Fortunately, Kris refrained from doing so, which was probably a good thing. Considering the iron grip she was using on his hand, one could only imagine what a bear hug from the otherwise deceptively small looking girl would be like. Possibly crushed organs and cracked ribs. It was a long shot, but it was probably best to avoid being captured within her arms in the first place. The only thing that made the bright glimmer in her eyes dim slightly was when the other Kris informed her that they'd be competing. The mental image of them being the next Cain and Abel shattered in her mind's eye. Did that mean that they couldn't be best friends? A most fearsome duo that everyone respected? Her grin began to falter as well, and there was a beat of silence...before she instantaneously brightened up again. For the time being, it seemed as if his request for her to release his hand had flown right over her head. "[i]Rivals![/i]" Kris declared, her eyes suddenly blazing, "You're on! Just you wait though--[i]I[/i] will be the one to protect Prince Marth! Rest assured that I will not lose, Kris the second!" Because she was the first Kris, of course. Then she finally let go of the poor boy's hand.