Liz stealthy entered her apartment. It wasn't hard to sneak into it but one could never be to careful. Her apartment faced onto an alleyway with whoever across the way always with their window closed, she probably didn't need to worry so much on getting caught unless someone decided to look up who would be walking down the alley. Her apartment was of fair size, having all the luxuries she needed to survive as a human and was sparsely filled with decor. "All right we had our fun, now I need to get to work, I'll be lucky I get my ass their on time after," Liz said as the symbiote slipped away revealing her face and traveling down, showing her dressed in a tank-top and jeans ",Sucks the office doesn't let me go like this but it's considered inappropriate. Pity, I'm sure Killing Joke would enjoy my look." The though made her snicker as she went to her room and got on more appropriate work clothes. "Pity he is only seventeen though. Guess I'll just stay single forever," she said to herself ",Ah well I don't need any guy helping me in life anyway. Would be just another voice with all the others in my head." She looked somewhat out of place with her work clothes even if they were the most casual she could go. Oddly enough she worked for Wayne-Stark Industries. She worked as an assistant down their for a few of the higher ups. Partially out of necessity, partially because it kept those who had made the symbiote she now was attached with at bay not knowing where to look for it. "Well just another dull day until later tonight," she sighed talking to the symbiote that was silent for this rare moment of time.