One moment, he had been in one of the Imperium's ships. Nice, safe, Jurgen right beside him and feeling quite content at the moment. Especially with the sight of Jurgen coming with a bowl of tanna, his day was looking to be fine and dandy, with quite some time before he would be forced to fight against the xenos; enemies of humanity, or perhaps heretics. Who know what the cultists of chaos could be up to. Then next moment he was here. Taking a look around to get his bearings, he came to several conclusions. First, this was definitely not the safe interior of a transport he had been in moments ago. Second, Jurgen was gone, with nowhere to be found. Third, he had absolutely no idea just where he was. The room looked like there were paintings, but none were in the style of the Imperium's artists that he had seen before, nor was there a single picture of the glorious God-Emperor. Unsheathing his chainsword and stabbing it into the ground as a suitable gesture of confusion, he looked around at the people gathered around him, who all looked strange yet human - for the most part. Was this some sort of warp trick? Did something happen? Impossible - he was right beside Jurgen - he knew from Amberly's information that Jurgen was able to prevent the trickeries of the warp from affecting those nearby. "...Where the frak am I?" he called out to no one in general.