River suddenly changed again, and she looked like this. [hider=Younger River] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/9f/fb/50/9ffb507e63f0b19942a759b41117a5e9.jpg[/img] [/hider] She was suddenly a young child again, about the age of seven, and confused about where she was and what had happened. "Leo? Where's my friend, Leo? Where am I? Mom? Dad?" she said aloud. She was so confused and scared. "Hello?" she said, her voice wavering. She felt all alone, it was so dark and she couldn't see anything. She'd been like this all her life, but she'd always had Leo to guide her along. She pulled her violin off her back and her violin bow appeared in her hand. She played a few notes and listened to the beautiful sound. That's what she did whenever she was lonely to keep herself from crying. But she couldn't help it, a few tears fell down her cheeks.