Once Lina recovered from her groggy state, she immediately began to think about what her last memory was. She remembered being in an inn with her friends, but was fighting over the last piece of meat with Gourry. If Lina remembered correctly, the fight got pretty intense, and the poor inn was almost destroyed, but she does remember reigning supreme in the end. Everything past that however. . . is, well, blank. The last thing she remembers is holding up her piece of steak as a sign of victory. She didn't even get to savor the wonderful taste of it, and it didn't seem to be with her now. Whoever did this to her was going to face hell, no, she had already killed the King of Demons twice. Hell was probably too nice of a punishment for the thief who kidnapped her, placed here in this weird place, and most importantly, stole her food. Punishing him would come later, for now, she needed to get out of here and find her friends. Thankfully, this wasn't the first time she has woken up in a strange place she didn't recognize. Thankfully, she wasn't wearing a stupid dress this time, and she could at least have some pride in her appearance. She was cute enough without a dress, right? No man could resist her charm even in a sorcerer's clothing. Lina quickly gazed around the hall she was standing in, taking in every small detail she could. It looked like some kind of art exhibit, and on top of that, it seemed like everybody was confused, at least to an extent. This probably means that they were kidnapped just as well, meaning that there would probably be a reward out there for their return. Lina began to imagine all of the money she could earn by returning all of these people home, and she just couldn't contain her excitement. She was almost drooling just by imagining what she could do with that money. Finally, she could take a nice spa day, eat at the finest restaurants in every kingdom, and maybe even attract the attention of a prince! Well, a good looking prince. She was already good friends with a prince but. . . he was rather special, even for Lina. That was it! She was going to defeat whoever was holding them captive, return everyone back to their homes, and reap in all of the rewards! Lina wouldn't even have to split it with anybody this time! Her friends could wait, they would probably be fine! They still have one the world's strongest swordsman, the greatest shaman sorcerer Lina knew, a little fluff ball who wished he was as good as Lina, and a princess. They would be just fine without her. . . hopefully. . . But for now, she might as well introduce herself to some of these people. The quiet ones were always suspicious, and she really wasn't in the mood to be randomly accused by people she didn't even know. She is also really bad at keeping quiet, but you might not want to tell her that if you care for your health. " I think we're all asking ourselves that question, but from the looks of it, some kind of art exhibit. I also doubt we have a convenient way out of here since it appears that we were kidnapped. Hopefully, we find our way out sooner or later since I don't think exhibits come with catering. "