[quote=@Doivid] [quote=Halo] [quote=Rare] [quote=Doivid] Classy. At least this time I only had to read your post once for it to make sense. [/quote] Yeah, I meant to read over my posts before I post them; but, It seems that I forgot. Oh well, I got to remind myself about it again. [/quote] The incoherence wasn't the primary point being made... Let me spell it out really, really clearly for you: it's kinda impolite and classless to constantly reference how much better you think Iwaku is while you're on this forum. Stop doing it. [/quote] Halo is pretty much on point about this. But I figured it didn't bear clarifying because I assumed Rare intentionally missed the point. Also holy balls the rest of this thread is getting a little out of hand. I think it's safe to say it's a disagreement on not only what spam needs (which is murky anyway, I don't think anyone here is accurate about what will or won't generate activity), but on the fundamental premise of Gwazi having anything to do with that. To have a debate that isn't circular you'd have to get him to agree on the central premise before you try to address why/how he does it or why/how he should stop. So I guess what I'm getting at is please continue, because I think I'm only showing that I'm out of touch with the spirit of forum debates. But I'm still going to click the post reply button. I know showing you all my thought process is totally interesting and relevant. :) [/quote] It was nothing to do with whether Gwazi is good for activity or not, even though I don't believe he is. If you look back, this discussion started when he accused me of having a, uh, "hate boner" for him and that was the only reason I was annoyed at his incessant posting spree. I don't particularly care whether Gwazi is good for Spam or not, because that's just subjective, but the mindless, inane crap he was spouting everywhere was doing nobody, including him, any favours. I'm only even replying here to clarify that although I might not like Gwazi, I don't think that gives me the right to run him out of Spam if he's insistent on staying. The exception is if the way he's getting on everyone's nerves starts to be intentional, rather than an unfortunate byproduct of him being him, or in other words if he's trolling and/or spamming. i.e. what he's been doing incessantly until you turned up and gave him a way to gracefully bow out of it without 'conceding defeat' in his 'war' against people like me, who have already said they're not fans of him. __________ Gwazi, does the above demonstrate that not every bit of criticism coming your way is purely fuelled by irrational hate? I've stated many times what problems I have with you, so at no point has it ever been a case of mindless loathing as you've implied. I wouldn't get along with anybody who acts the way you do. And if you want further proof, you don't need to look further than the fact that we've been clashing for way longer than this Spam-wide disavowal of you started - I can't be "jumping on the bandwagon". So if you want to blindly brush off any negative comments from people you don't know, fine; it will get you nowhere in life, but fine. But when it comes to people who logically must have some genuine bone to pick with you, you can't accuse them of having "hate boners". Sometimes you have to accept that their opinions of you are valid, and are caused by you. And sometimes (not always, but sometimes) it can be beneficial to take some of those criticisms on board. I'm sure you can see the issue with a person ignoring all negative comments about them for their whole life, no? But that's what you're doing right now. So there aren't any negative comments about you in this post. Hopefully you'll listen? Look, I was a part of the goddamn original pointless thread when I came to Spam; I didn't get the best start here and I irritated a lot of people. They had a go at me for my faults, and at first it upset me - and then I decided fuck 'em, the pointless subcommunity like me, I'm having fun, and to avoid taking it personally I ended up... not trolling, per se, but certainly prodding the beehive with a stick. And then last of all, I actually tried listening, because that was the only thing left to do, and realised that some of what they were saying was probably true. Bela in particular said some things that made a lot of sense. I realised that I had three paths ahead of me: 1) To leave Spam because I wasn't getting along with people and it's illogical to stay in a community you don't like and who don't like you unless you're a troll; 2) To stay in Spam but keep acting the exact same way, and not getting along with people, and become a social pariah; or 3) to try to study the community, listen to them and their gripes with me, and reflect on what they said so I could tailor my content to what would be of interest to people here - just as you talk differently to your grandmother than to your best mate. I did the third. Make your choice already, Gwazi, and please don't let it be 2). That does nothing for nobody. I think I'm about done with this. But look - Gwazi, this is my 'peace offering' or whatever. An honest approach, spelling the messages out clearly, rather than attempting to make it obvious through disparaging comments. No name-calling or whatever. Please just take it on board and at the very least stop the endless spamming. Being the last replier to every single thread on the front page... well done, you've made me beg, you win, whatever; just please, stop that.