People have been disappearing. It’s been on the news, but you never think it would happen to you. You’re wrong. Before you know it you wake up in a white room, alone. The next few days are full of pain as you are experimented on and tortured. Eventually, if you didn’t die first, you are cast into another room, with a bunch of other people this time. There, you find out you’re now the property of the government who have discovered a new gene in the human body that makes then susceptible to hyper-survival-mutation that they call the ‘Mutagen’. In simple terms, when faced with extreme danger or the threat of death the body will adapt to survive. Powers. Yep. You’re now a mutant, x-men style. What the government intends to do with you, well that part is fairly uncertain for now. Your days now consist of a very structured schedule, you sleep and eat when they tell you, you have limited free time to yourself but mostly you are in with others in similar situations to yourself or they are testing you, trying to encourage you to develop your powers, become more powerful. So this is my basic concept, I’m thinking everyone will be playing ‘new-ins’, which is a word the rest have made up for new arrivals after they finish the initial mutation process. This way everyone can be on a fairly similar page in terms of what they know etc. Some of you may be able to guess where the plot is going, but it’s a secret for now so spoilers/guesses.