Gorrendil was confused at the Mon'keigh's sudden confusion. That was standard Imperial. He had gathered that these Mon'keigh were not of the Imperium. Of course, excluding the obviously confused and irritated Commissar, who just stabbed his Chainsword into the ground. Glancing behind the non-Imperial Mon'keigh, Gorrendil shouted at the irritated Commissar "Imperial! Have a nice sword there! Wanna have a sword fight?" Of course, Gorrendil thought that this was not the best course of action and should turn his attention to the gunshots in the hallway. "Wait a moment, Mon'keigh!" he started "I'll be right back!" Zooming back towards the hallway towards the origins of the gunshots, Gorrendil passed the dress/cloak wearing shortie. He looked at another Mon'keigh pointing a gun at him. Of course, Gorrendil halted immediately and somersaulted back behind the dress wearing man. He drew his laspistol and Shuriken pistol and aimed it at the gun-toting Mon'keigh, each gun hand resting on the two shoulders of the bearded cross dresser and aiming at the woman. "Mon'keigh, I advise you not to shoot this cross dresser. Though funny looking, I presume that Sayaka will not appreciate people killing people. Now be a dear and drop your primitive as dust gun. Please."