Name: Lilly Moore Alias: Raven Age: 23 Power: Feathered Wings/ Flight Limitations/Weaknesses: Her main limitations are her own physical fitness, since flying requires a great amount of energy and she isn’t allowed outside with proper space to practice her actual flying skills are sub-standard and would probably not hold up well in an outdoor environment. She also does not have the natural instincts of a bird, meaning she is rather clumsy and awkward in the air. Appearance: (Large black wings [img][/img] Name: Ashley Bines Alias: Sabrina Age: 11 Power: -Telekinesis: User can influence/manipulate/move matter with their mind. -Clairvoyance: The user can gain a direct visual information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the user's physical sight and allows them to act when they are unable to use their eyes. Limitations/Weaknesses: Being young she has very little control over her powers and she is usually afraid to use them, usually does so reluctantly and they can often escalate out of control very quickly. Appearance: [img][/img]