[center][b]Agent Edwin Thread[/b][/center] [center][i]Bureau Of Defense Agent; District 16[/i][/center] [center][img=http://i.imgur.com/0RSKLq2.jpg][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Personal Details:[/b] Born in District 0, Edwin was geared towards a life of politics for the entirety of his youth, with his parents being two prominent politicians. He excelled in his academic pursuits, and was well respected amongst many social cliques. Yet instead of continuing down the path expected, he chose to enroll with the BoD and being somewhat over-qualified for the job, he was fast-tracked through the Bureau . Edwin was fascinated by the way of life beyond Districts 1-9, constantly hearing of the rival gangs and lawless streets, though at the same time he thoroughly enjoyed his life of luxury within District 1, which me moved to upon his joining of the BoD. The Bureau Of Defense provided a means to enjoy both lives, and he has adopted a 'pick and choose' attitude towards his work. Whilst he is the official BoD Officer for District 16, he is rarely seen there and often only visits when he gets bored of the current happenings in District 1. [indent]He carries an air of superiority with him when visiting District 16, and speaks down to those around him. It's obvious he cares little for the people living within the District and generally only visits in order to 'show off' and boss the local police around. Yet he is by no means poor at his job, he can simply rarely be bothered to do it. He has come to realize that it's an impossible task to lower the crime rates in District 16, and as such he has a lackluster approach to his duties, instead choosing to simply assert himself as top dog amongst the local police, enjoying the 'superiority' he has amongst the local authorities. It is of course the case that he is less than popular amongst both the local police, and citizens of District 16.[/indent] Recently, however, Edwin has been searching for a means to glorify himself. He is well aware that eradicating the crime in his district is impossible, though the idea of becoming a 'legend' within the bureau is something that appeals greatly to his ever-growing ego. Much to the annoyance of the local authorities, he has been gradually spending more time at District 16 upon his visits, eager to learn what he can of the major gangs in the area, in the hopes that he may bring a major organized crime syndicate to it's heels. Taking down a major crime syndicate would ensure his glorification in history and would more than likely get him a promotion within the Bureau, and he is determined to feed his ever-growing ego by doing so.