Moments after she had departed from Gorrendil, his story lingered on at the back of her mind. Though it was true that Sayaka was suicidal once like him, she had moved past that part of her life and had accepted it. She was happy, surrounded by wonderful friends, unlike Gorrendil. The knight's tale made her appreciate her life all the more, and a grateful smile spread across her face. As she felt the love for her friends burning in her heart, her desire to escape this place was reignited, her determination rekindled. After taking in a breath of confidence, she looked around once again and scouted the place for any clues. She knew it was pointless - if they could be free from here, they would have been by now - but she looked anyway, and saw the few other disturbances that had recently occurred. A fireball was launched out from nowhere upon the newly arrived guest - a bearded man wearing a hoodie from medieval times. It caused a small explosion, but its only victim was the cratered wall the flaming sphere of doom had landed on. On the other side of the hall, the horned Gigantor who had previously smashed himself against the wall was now literally tearing up the theater seats in search of something. Sayaka shook her head at the both of them. The destruction of their kidnapper's residence was not going to earn any tears from her, but she also doubt that the host would take kindly to their actions either, and they might earn themselves more trouble than they knew. But as she began her casual approach towards the two confused beings, more out of her own curiosity than her urge to lecture them, she soon heard the sound of cracking wood. Turning towards the latest commotion, she noticed that the blonde soldier from the exhibition room had burst in from a door she had forced open. A little startled, but nevertheless pleased at by the sight of her beauty, Sayaka approached to greet her... till the soldier started firing her pistol at the Gigantor without reason. She worryingly spun her eyes towards the full-metal titan, but quickly realized that he had not even paid heed to the fact that he was being fired upon. She returned her gaze onto the soldier, but by then, the medieval man out of time had already confronted her. Despite his friendly expression, Sayaka began stepping towards them, her pace picking up in speed, as did her heart-rate. Her gut told her that the situation before her might turn ugly, and moments later, it certainly did. The soldier had turned her aim towards the bearded man's forehead instead, and the man in turn, became agitated by the action and was generating an orange glow within each of his palms. As soon as he did, however, two shimmering blades had also materialized beneath Sayaka's white gloves. She was a mere five feet from them by the time she willed her cutlasses into existence, and she proceeded to raise one of them in Integra's direction. But before she could swing the full arc towards the woman's cranium, the knight whom she had shared a connection with before, Gorrendil, had already pointed his own firearms towards Integra, with the wizard's head in between his twin pistols. Sayaka sighed lightly at the way Gorrendil was adding to the already chaotic mess, though she could understand the motivation behind his actions, as she too was pointing a lethal blade at someone. As the Mexican standoff came to a standstill, with all parties pointing their weapons at one another, the woman with the flaxen hair began to speak. She spoke of her confusion about this place, she mentioned an intriguing thought about her mortality that almost made Sayaka questioned her own, and she also sounded out her mistrust towards the others. All of that, she could relate and understand, as she was sure most people here shared the sentiment - but it was the casual way she talked about killing another that bugged her a little. Those words gave Sayaka a bitter distaste, but she shrugged it off quickly. She was used to putting up with such disregard for life. As Integra civilly withdrew her weapon without another argument, her cool eyes staring down the magic wielder before her without fear, her steady hand inserting a cigar between her lips, Sayaka did the same and lowered her sword, breathing a sigh of relief as this conflict approached a closure. She signaled her eyes towards Gorrendil, and in a way, the wizard as well, hoping both of them would take up an equally peaceful response. When she turned her stern glare back onto Integra, she noticed the group of spectators that had been drawn to the commotion, and she saw an open opportunity for her to speak with these people. "Look, I know all of you are confused and on edge... I am too." Sayaka voiced herself loudly but clearly to ensure the echo of this hall would carry her voice throughout the entire structure. She made sure to look at each of their faces to let them know she was addressing everyone there, not just individual parties. To let them know she was of no threat to them, she also made the swords in her hands disappear, leaving behind a puff of tiny blue spheres that illuminated the air around her hands. "Someone has obviously kidnapped us here, but we can't get anything done on our own... let alone fighting each other. Our enemy is our kidnapper, not each other. So we need to work together, keep our cools, and maybe, just maybe, we can return to our lives. Alright?" As soon as she finished, in hopes that she could at least knock some sense into some of them, a scream suddenly echoed from the hallway and jerked her head around towards the source. It was a child's voice, sobbing. Sayaka gave the group another look, offering a polite nod, before she began making her return back to the hallway.