Belle was haphazardly sprawled out over her bed, drool leaking from the corner of her mouth and pooling on her bedspread when the sound of a door being slammed open woke her up with a start. She shot up from her bed, yelling, [b]"I'm awake, I'm awake!"[/b] She smacked her lips a bit and blinked, looking around. Her eyes trained on the open door, squinting because of the bright light. The sounds from the hallway assaulted her room, causing a sudden irritation to rise with in her. [i]And here I was, having a nice nap.[/i] [i]There was nothing nice about that...[/i] Muse replied to her in earnest, shaking his shadowy black head. She sent him a look and shook her head. [b]"Well, regardless. I'm awake now..."[/b] She muttered outloud before reaching up and rubbing her tired eyes. Belle was really not a nighttime person, she enjoyed her sleep... Still, she couldn't exactly sleep now. Slowly, she got up from her bed and walked out to the hallway, in nothing but sweats and a crop top. She looked from side to side, watching the people going by with a blank face before slowly shutting the door and returning to her bed. She pulled out her laptop from under her bed and began to continue on her latest work, "Devils' Fair."