[b]Name:[/b] Nolan Archer [b]Nickname(s):[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 11 [b]House:[/b] Slytherin [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://demigod.wdfiles.com/local--files/camper%3Amicah/micah.jpg[/img] He is light skinned and tends to burn rather easily in the sun despite the time he spends outdoors. He keeps his hair generally short, not liking the feel of it being able to touch his face or ears. He is of average height and build for his age, having not quite started growing yet. He is active and so is on the leaner side. [b]Wand:[/b] 11 1/2 inches, Maple with Unicorn Hair, reasonably supple [b]Pet:[/b] Black-banded owl named Fletch he shares with Roy and Judoc [b]Strengths:[/b] Nolan is excellent at managing his time. While he has to put in plenty of effort into his school work, it robs him of much less of his own time than it would take others. He can work hard and smart enough to make sure he has time to reward himself for his hard work. His resolve helps him out well in this as he has no problem sacrificing his fun in order to do what he needs to do. He is social enough, and for the most part people seem to just like him. He is also fairly athletic and skilled on a broomstick. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Nolan is a slow learner, as mentioned and he has to put more effort into anything he does. He has to work harder to get a B than most do to get an A. He can be insecure at times, hating to be compared to anyone. This also makes him competitive as he feels the need to prove to himself that his skill is worth something. He lacks perspective as well, often putting more effort into something than it's worth. He holds a grudge. [b]Personality:[/b] As the youngest of five brothers, he's grown to hate being compared to them, but sees their successes as proof that it's impossible he won't succeed as well. While he seems to lack any of the natural talents his brothers like to show off, he's very proud of the fact that everything he obtains is a result of his hard work (although a little help from family does go a long way). He resents those who's victories come easily to them (what? no, not including his brothers of course....) He doesn't quite know what he wants yet, but he knows he will get it. He's focused traits instilled in him by his father and also very competitive. He is energetic, unable to really be idle for too long. The way he sees it, there's always work to be done or fun to be had. Growing up with four brothers ensures he's made of some tougher stuff. He's never aggressive, but he knows how to take an insult and physically hold his own. [b]History:[/b]Nolan was born to a muggle father and a witch mother. Growing up a half-blood, he felt he got to see the best of both worlds. Being the youngest of five, he came into the family well after his father had grown used to the magical world. Being the youngest also meant that he was often fighting for attention. He was an energetic little kid and he often got in trouble. He has often been compared to his older brothers, never negatively but always in a way that suggest anything he does will not stand out among their talents and accomplishments. When he started school in the Muggle world, it became very clear that he was not the quickest learner. It took him twice the effort to understand concepts that the other children managed to master in what seemed like no time at all to him. His parents, growing concerned for his education enrolled him in after school classes to help him keep pace. He didn't complain, if this was what it took to live up to his family's and his own expectations, well that was fine. With all the extra time he spent on schoolwork, he grew to really relish his free time. He became a fan of sports of both worlds. After all the stories, he is ready for Hogwarts. The idea of being on the Quidditch team excites him, but he'll find friends to play football with if not. He's ready to learn what he can about magic as well as the secrets of the school. [b]NPCs:[/b] Roy Archer: Older brother, fifth year Ravenclaw. He is a talented artist as well as good thinker with excellent skills in Transfiguration. He is rather arrogant and has a new girl on his arm every few weeks. Judoc Archer: Older brother, seventh year Gryffindor. Chaser on the Quidditch team. He's not the most social but has a circle of very close friends who he has asked to help him keep an eye on Nolan. Wanting to either become an Auror or make broomsticks. Gus Archer*: Older brother, travelling and doing charity work Tidus Archer*: Older brother, Obliviator Liviana Archer*: Mother, Obliviator. Kind and supportive though rather absent-minded and not very good at reading people Thomas Archer*: Father, Muggle journalist. Strict and concerned. Can be critical when he sees his sons "not trying hard enough," but otherwise very proud of all of them. *won't be seen much, of course