[img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/018/5/5/paladin_by_mrakobulka-d5rw0sn.jpg[/img] Name:Rand Thorsa Age:23 Gender: Male Personality:Some say Rand is built from stone. He does not show much emotion, he says barely two words to anyone besides the queen, and he cares not for the lives he takes in the name of the queen, he is fiercely loyal to the queen to the point where it's more like worship than it is loyalty, he is also a man of honor who will not kill an unarmed or disarmed opponent, and he will not kill or harm the innocent. Role/Title: Rand is a knight to the the true queen of Waylox. His skills lie in that of the blade where even in his few short years of battle he is considered a master at. The blade is literally an extension of his arm and when he fights it seems more akin to dancing than battle, he is also fair in the way of tactics, riding a horse, and using a lance like a usual knight. History:Rand was born outside the kingdom, the son of a miller and his wife. They had a happy life together despite being poor they tried to give the boy everything they never had, but things like that never last. Shortly after the boy's thirteenth birthday a war broke out between two of the nobles and the noble that controlled Rand's village drafted everybody above the age of twelve. His father was deemed to important to go to war and instead was switched to making and repairing boots for the lords army. But Rand wasn't so lucky he was fitted and sent to battle for a war he didn't want to fight. Knowing this many of the sergeants and leaders within the military took advantage of how young the children were and basically brainwashed them into seeing the enemy as horrible people who would kill their families if they didn't fight. Rand bought this and he became fiercely loyal to his noble lord seeing him as just and trying to bring peace to the situation when it was actually him who was the aggressor. But nonetheless Rand fought and in his first battle he and the other children proved themselves to be fanatics who stood their ground against an ambush, many of the kids died but somehow Rand lived and managed to kill a few of the enemy which was not expected of them. When reinforcements arrived they found 43 kids out of the 400 sent to the fight still standing Rand included. The children went from battle to battle, their numbers slowly dwindling down from 43 to 26, from 26 to 12. And each time Rand defied the odds by remaining standing a field of carnage around them. His last battle came in the form of a siege against one of the great enemies fortresses, arrows came down like a deadly rain, and things seemed like this would be their last battle. But Rand and children let out a rallying cry and stormed the ladders leading up to the battlements they pushed the enemy back and gave his lord time to regroup and help take the walls. Eventually the fortress fell and they were ready to move on. But then the country of Waylox intervened and put a stop to the fighting. The soldiers of Waylox, it's here where one of the knights heard of Rand's exploits and saw a natural soldier in the boy. So the knight gave the boy the offer to become his squire and come to Waylox with him. Rand agreed and together the two returned to Waylox. The knight taught Rand a great many things, how to use the blade better, how to ride a horse and joust, and military tactics among other things. At age sixteen Rand was released from being a squire and knighted by the kingdom of Waylox, becoming one of their youngest knights in service. And over the years he served the kingdom with honor and distinction. Always setting their goals above his own and the rumors were that he was to be made a vassal and given a fief to better serve the kingdom but that all changed with Ovorion. The usurper tricked the queen and ambushed them. So he listened to the queens orders and fled with her until they were met on the road by the captain. When they reached their safe haven the queen had them sent out to bring allies to her aid so Rand obeyed. The first person he approached was his old master, but what shocked him was his older master had betrayed the queen and joined with Ovorion. His master revealed to him that he had been helping Ovorion in the shadows, this crushed Rand but nonetheless he gave the man a chance to redeem himself and help the true ruler of Waylox but his master instead decided to let his blade speak for him and the two clashed. In the end Rand slew his master but not without earning many grievous wounds, after the fight Rand slunk away trying to get back to the queen but he didn't make it before he succumbed to his wounds and passed out. When he awoke he found he was in a village and one of the villagers found him and healed him, he stayed for awhile and helped the village before moving on to return to his queen. Anything extra:N/a