[hider=Dani]Name: Danielle Marie Carson Nickname(s): Dani Gender: Female Age: 11 House: Yet to be determined (Sorting Hat) Appearance: [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/092/8/c/kawaii_girl__with_gray_hair__render_by_shidangao-d6cdlry.png[/img] Dani is rather petite, standing at only 3’7” and weighing about 39 pounds, with straight, light brown hair that hangs down to her shoulders and blue eyes. She has a round face with a button nose and small ears that are normally hidden by her hair. Her body shape is rather slender, though it is obvious that she doesn’t have any sort of well-defined musculature. The clothing she wears when not wearing the uniform usually consists of bright or pastel colored clothing, and is virtually limited to simple t-shirts and either pants or shorts, depending on the weather. One thing that is constant, however, is that she always has some sort of accessory in her hair, whether its a clip or a ribbon. The uniform itself is the same as that of every other student at Hogwarts, though maybe a little ill-fitting due to her small size. Wand: Length: 7 and ½ inches Wood: Pine Core: Unicorn hair Pet: None Strengths: Dani is quite skilled at reading body language and other nonverbal communication, as well as communicating without speaking, both of which are due to the fact that she is mute. She’s also quite good at going unnoticed, which is partially due to her small size. Though it shouldn’t come up for a while, it is worth mentioning that she is exceptional when it comes to dueling because she doesn’t cast magic verbally and can spot her opponent's tells more easily. It's also worth mentioning that she has a large amount of magical power and a talent for using it efficiently. It might accurately be described as a strength, but Dani also has synesthesia, which means that she associates colors with letters, numbers, and sounds, as well as other associations. Perhaps as expected, Dani is a rather exceptional artist and musician, having been involved in art and music classes and clubs throughout her life so far. Weaknesses: Dani is unable to speak, having been born mute, in addition to having Nyctophobia, or the fear of the dark. She is also entirely new to the whole magic thing, as she is a muggle-born witch. As such, she is often unsure of what she’s doing or proper customs, which can lead her into trouble with others. Due to being unable to speak, it is rather easy for others to bully her, and she has a tendency to let things go that she shouldn’t. Another thing to note here is that she is pretty weak physically, which is primarily due to her small size. As such, she's not very strong, fast, or durable, and she doesn't have a great amount of endurance. A negative side-effect of her synesthesia is that she has a tendency to space out when experiencing something particularly intense, like a crescendo in music or a particularly vivid image. While these moments are usually pleasant, they can result in sensory overload, causing discomfort, irritability, or pain. Some sounds in particular have been known to provoke negative responses in her, which can be a bit surprising for someone usually so sweet. Personality: Dani is, at first impression, a rather cold, distant person. But that is primarily because she can’t speak, and, upon getting to know her, it becomes clear that she is actually a sweet and kind-hearted individual who enjoys the company of others. Dealing with people who don’t understand her condition or who are impatient in dealing with her has resulted in her developing a surprising amount of patience for a child of her age. Unfortunately, Dani can be rather spacey, an idea popping into her head having a tendency to capture her attention for longer than it should. That's not to say that she's not intelligent; she's about average in that department. It's just that she might get stuck on a concept because it is interesting to her, or something along those lines. If anything, it helps her understand the material better, if at a slightly slower pace than her peers. History: Dani grew up in a small, rather unassuming muggle town in England. Apart from being mute and a synesthete, her life was rather normal. The only thing that her conditions resulted in were some bullying here and there and finding new ways to deal with the hassles of public school. There were a few times that she noticed that she was able to do things she shouldn’t have been able to do, though she usually just brushed them off as her overactive imagination playing tricks on her. It wasn’t until she turned eleven on February 14th, that she discovered the magical side of the world, as a ministry official, who looked rather ridiculous if she was being honest, arrived at her doorstep with a letter of invitation to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was there for quite some time explaining everything to the bewildered family, which also included Dani of course. By the time he was done, however, it was rather clear that the best option was to agree to send Dani to the school. Preparing for the year took quite a bit of time, though mostly because they understood nothing about what they would need or where to get it and had a million questions for the ministry official who was tasked with guiding them through Diagon Alley. Really, the poor man deserved a medal of some sort for putting up with the small family, as the questions they asked seemed as though they would have common sense answers that would get tiring to answer. Eventually, however, they did manage to acquire everything that she would need for her first year. From there, time seemed to fly until the day arrived to send her off at Platform 9 and ¾. NPCs: None, currently Other: Dani carries a whiteboard and a variety of dry-erase markers around with her as a means of easy communication. [/hider]