Emily found sleep hard to come by. Months of remaining on edge, and never properly sleeping made it hard for her to relax. And then there was the uncertainty. Where was she? Was it in the middle of a conflicted zone, where some soldiers would slit her throat and steal what little she had on her rather than risk her wake up. Or maybe some bandits would see her as a young girl, and take her back to their camp. And her two friends where not exactly quiet either. They where using Emily's down time to get to know each other and Emily, via her memories rather than talking to her. Knowing how each of the residents worked would be the first step to perfecting the bond between the three. The rest would be solved with experience in the field. Obviously, each of the three where proficent and comfortable with the manipulation of Fire. But, the young Mistress had a penchant for Magma, and was glad that this new place had the ground that could pull it off. Srutr, on the other hand, liked the more benevolence uses of fire, like Heat and Light. Emily, as it happened, also had affiliation with the Earth, and could control Storms when they happened. She even had a way to create a weak, pseudo-storm with her fire. The interesting discussion continued, and at first the fourth presence went unnoticed, but then it was spotted by the young mistress when she went to speak with Srutr and instead came across the fourth. "Who...?" she started, curious. But the direct addressing brought the existence to Srutr's attention as well, and he was less refined. "You dare to invade my realm?!" he boomed, a psychic scream waking Emily fully, who rose with a ball of fire each in hand and prepared to ignite whoever was there. But, there wasn't anyone. "Mind letting me in on that?" Emily asked, slightly irritated as she put out her flaming balls.