Bard acolyte? Devotee of Milil, god of poetry and song? Bard charlatan? Pretends he can make magical music, then suddenly actually can? Bard criminal? Has accomplices who pickpocket patrons while he performs? Bard entertainer? :P Bard folk hero? Stirs up the peasantry against tyrannical noble with poetry and song? Bard guild artisan? Makes musical instruments? Bard hermit? Needed some chill time to compose the most epic song ever? Bard noble? Formally tutored, then ran away? Bard outlander? Tribal war chanter? Bard sailor? Pirate minstrel? Bard sage? Researcher on ancient songs? Bard soldier? War chanter? Bard urchin? Sang sweetly while accomplices pickpocket entranced bystanders?