"Helios. And it's Rhys. With a "y"," it was a mistake that almost everyone and their dead mother made: calling him "Reese" or "Reece" instead of the actual pronunciation. When he had met August for the deal, the guy made the same mistake. Now, come to think of it, he was probably after Sasha and Fiona's heads for the same reason that he and Vaughn would be if they had any power: the deal was still a con. The walk through the room was painfully slow, or at least it was for Rhys. The Joxter was meandering at an alarmingly slow rate, either to [b]actually[/b] look at the art or just to screw with Rhys. Maybe both. [i]Yeah, the third option seemed plausible.[/i] He'd go with that. The art itself seemed boring to Rhys -- most of it reminded him of Helios and the planets that surrounded it. Some of it seemed vaguely familiar, but there were so many planets in the galaxy and not enough time to care about all of them. What was so interesting about that to the Joxter anyway? Probably nothing. Rhys probably should've scanned the art when he had the chance, there was something suspicious about it to him. Instead, he paid attention as the Joxter tore apart an apple with a knife -- cutting it into eight slices. Then he commented about how "skilled" the artists were. Well, talent is one word that Rhys wouldn't particularly use, but sure, why not? "Yeah, they...," Rhys looked at the art again, "...were definitely bored." And the duo left it at that. [center] --- [/center] The Joxter stopped slicing the apple. Rhys noticed it too: the door covered in signs: [b]DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR.[/b] [b]DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR.[/b] [b]DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR.[/B] Well, at least their "host" wasn't very subtle about it. In a way, Rhys appreciated the bluntness. "Well, that makes one less door for us to have to entered," he commented looking at the others doors, [i]now where to?[/i]