xD I love you guys. Let's get this post started! I'm posting the IC I have now RIGHT HERE so you can see what I have planned. Ish. I'll be starting on the thread now, and as soon as it's up I'll be throwing this up so everyone can get started ASAP! [h1]5:30PM UTC (Sunset 4:49PM), October 30th, 2068[/h1] [h3]One hour after official sign in.[/h3] Most guests have arrived at the Fourth Dimensional 48th Anniversary Convention, located at the Tech of Dimensional Learning Center, Tokyo Japan. It is one hour after sign in, and the festivities are about to begin! Police have been casually stationed throughout the convention, mostly outdoors, though some indoors, just to keep people calm and safe. The building is a massive skyscraper, reaching five hundred meters high in the sky! It is mostly made of glass, though has been known to be very stable and secure. The bottom floor is about three stories high itself, making for a grand entrance into the building. The glass is crystal clear, and there are many doors leading in and out of the building on the front face. There are giant steps leading up, with a big courtyard just before them, with a fountain, trees, and several benches. Indoors, on the bottom floor where the convention is being held, it is mostly open. It is bright, clean, and sparkling new. There are stands set up, with stages, indoor tents, and crowds as far as the eye could see. Each stage had different speakers from different parts of the company, showing off inventions, or discussing the new discoveries that have come of the Fourth Dimension. There was a big stage in the center of the building, but there were security guards and a giant screen held up to stop anyone from seeing the grand finale. [h2]Convention Stand One. A new technology has been invented.[/h2] "Thanks to the new discoveries with the Fourth Dimension, we have discovered new technologies never before possible! This object my friend holds here, is a new object, capable of movement throughout the fourth dimension. It is [i]extremely[/i] large, though most of you see it as a small cube in my friend's hand here. He can hold it with a glove you see him wearing, as well as manipulate it with his other hand. Watch as he uses his other hand to change the shape of the cube, into virtually anything he likes!" a man said from atop the stage. He stood there with an assistant at his side, and several guards at the back of the stage standing at attention. The man's assistant, holding the cube, pulled at it with his other hand, bending it into a bigger rectangle. He then pulled out several legs, touching the floor on plates that looked similar to is gloves. He then released the cube, now a long rectangle standing on legs. He grabbed one end of it, and started bending it throughout the entire stage, until it was like a long miniature roller coaster, encircling the men on the stage. "With this new technology, construction workers will be able to build buildings much quicker, and cheaper than ever before! These cubes do have a limited size, though they can be made to enormous proportions! We have been working on a much more compact version, capable of working mechanically. It is able to transport objects from the ground, into the air high above it, with less energy used to bring it up! With this new law of physics, we are able to create infinite energy, reducing costs of electricity, and generating a free source of fuel for years to come!" the man continued on with his speech, while the assistant started reforming the cube back into it's original form. The crowd started to clap, cheering on as the assistant finished putting away the cube, and the man speaking bowed a few times. More talk continued, mostly about numbers, estimates on when the technology will be complete and safe, and when people will be able to buy them as regular household items. [h2]Convention Stand Two. An explination on the Fourth Dimension.[/h2] "Ludwig Schlafli is an inspiration to all of us here at Tech of Dimensional Learning. A lot of his theories and ideas have proven to be truthful, and extremely useful in explaining the Fourth Dimension to young students. He would explain this theory, by simply drawing a line. This line was the first dimension. Then, he would draw three more lines, making it a square, which is the second dimension. The third dimension would then be a full cube, something more similar to what we see everyday, as opposed to a two dimensional drawing. Now, a fourth dimensional object would be similar to a third dimensional object, except it would have two more directions. Objects with four dimensions would be capable of bending through space, appearing to appear and disappear through our third dimension." "It is a very hard concept to those who cannot see it, but to those of us who now can, it is more clear than ever before. Try explaining the third dimension to a second dimensional being. Hard, right? No, not really. You just point to it! See? It's there! Easy! The same thing for the fourth dimension. Once you can see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, touch it... it becomes there forever! You never forget it, as it becomes an everyday part of your life. Those of you that have seen it, explain it to your friends! Those of you who can hear it, explain that as well. All of you, explain your own experiences through your own words to your friends. Educate the world in this new interesting technology!" [h2]Convention Stand Three. Sound device, used for demolition of buildings.[/h2] "This new device allows us to manipulate sound through the Fourth Dimension. Those capable of hearing in the Fourth Dimension have similar abilities, but this new device is much more powerful and accurate. It has been tested on small buildings, and is fully capable of holding a entire collapse with precision control. It might be possible in the future for this technology to disassemble buildings, piece by piece, to save time in reconstruction and reuse of these demolished parts!"