The very next morning, Yu once again found himself back the bar from the previous day. His reason for returning was the small merchant that passed him by. As he was talking about seeking help for something, Yu couldn't help but ask him if he required assistance. The merchant, who introduced himself as Okal, simply told Yu to return to the bar the next day. He had a proposition for him, and his work would possibly earn him a little bit of money. As strange as his terms were, Yu was beginning to become a little tight on money, especially after he bought the scarf after their brief encounter. Yu agreed to the merchants terms, and left the bar for the day. Sitting at the same table as yesterday, he began sipping on a cup of coffee. He sweetened it with enough cream and sugar to his liking, leaving out any bitter taste in his mouth. Surprisingly enough, the coffee here was quite delectable, and it was tempting to get another cup after this one. He began to think about the potential job that he had lined up. It seemed that Yu signed himself up for mercenary work, an idea that was entirely foreign to him. When he accepted jobs in other worlds, he normally did things such as delivering mail, cleaning, working part time at shops, and so on. It's not that he wasn't a stranger to combat. The idea of fighting for money wasn't something that never really caught his attention. Despite the fact that he had second thoughts about this, he felt his money pouch, feeling how the contents inside began to dwindle slowly. While playing with his pouch, a waitress approached him, directing his attention to over to the bartender. The said bartender motioned him over the back room, which then the waitress handed him a note. [i]Slide the bookcase over, and walk down the stairs. When you get to the end, ask for Osa. [/i] The note was unsigned, but he figured that it was left behind by Okal. Yu hesitated for a few seconds, before he got up from his seat. Reaching into his pouch, he pulled out the amount of money he owed for the coffee, and placed it into the waitress's hands. She thanked him with a smile, before returning to take care of the other customers. He entered the back room, spotting the bookcase that the note mentioned on the back wall. Noticeably, the bookcase was nearly bare, probably to make it easier for people to move it to the side. Grabbing the side of it with both of his hands, he gently, and easily, moved it over to the side, revealing a staircase leading downwards. Yu walked down the stairs, making sure to slide the bookcase back over the passage. It wasn't a long walk down, but without the light coming from the bar behind him, it made it much harder to see. His only light source was the meager light that was coming from the room down at the bottom. Once he reached the end, he was greeted by a man and two woman. The three of them looked like they had just awoken from a deep slumber. The man and the woman sitting across from him were both drinking what smelled like tea. Had he known refreshments were available, he probably would have skipped on spending more money of coffee. [b]"Hello, my name is Yu Matsunaga. I was instructed to make my way down here and ask for Osa."[/b] he greeted the three with a bow. The atmosphere wasn't tense. Rather, it felt warm. Whoever these three were, they seemed like friendly enough people. But judging how secretive everything is, Yu's mind kept wandering back to the possibility of this being a mercenary job. At this point, it seemed too late to back down, so he would just have to stick with it until the end, and get his money. He patiently stood, waiting for a reply from one of the strangers.