Darkhunter did what came naturally to him and snuggled to Ib's side as she sat. He purred with a long, clawed stretch before he settled down and gazed up at her. He listened intently and was oblivious to the other activities in the room. He didn't say anything throughout the story, just looked up at her with silver eyes, his tail slowly sweeping the floor to the rear of his own rear. His eyes started to wander as she finished, and when she did, he sat up and nosed at her cheek, "I'm sorry, Ib, I can't even imagine what you have to be going through... in that case, we need to get out of here fast so you can save Gary." The jaguar gave a small lick to her cheek, trying to reassure her. "Nothing's come alive yet, so that is good... especially because I could never imagine attacking Nightspirit or Starfall." he gave a little quiver. Darkhunter's ears perked up and his eyes lit up when he heard a louder voice and glanced over his shoulder to see who it was... it was the bare-skin female from earlier. His ears picked up her speech, all of it, and he simply gave a small nod in response. He shifted to face the rows of... chairs... and called to her, "Well said!" The scream of his child painted concern onto his face but he was too busy with Ib... and his thoughts. His heart ached. Not literally, of course, but figuratively. He didn't realize just how much he relied on his packmates to keep him happy until now. Already he longed for Nightspirit; the beautiful black cat, the one with nearly bottomless, silken fur which kept him warm and comfortable through any night. The feline who was true to her name... she gave quiet, understanding, accepting solace, no matter the problem, a relaxing break from the intensity of the day. He yearned for Starfall, with her blue eyes that shone their blue glow into the deepest depths of his soul. She was the joy, the one who could make anyone laugh at any point, with just the right kind and amount of humor. The heated, passionate lovemaking, the quiet moments of cuddling and affection, and the other moments in between those two peaks... it never occurred to him how vital that all was to him. He hoped they weren't in danger as he was stuck here. Besides his females, he wanted his land back. He was wanting the gentle jungle heat and the subtle chaos that ensued day in, day out, in that sea of green and brown. He hated the smell and sight of this despicable area more and more with every second. He blinked a few times and cleared the fog out of his head, heaving himself to his feet before another little nosing was put upon Ib's cheek, "I want out of here just as bad as you... that female was right, we need to work together." the jaguar looked around for another door, an aperture, just anything that would let him get out of here. He was reluctant to leave Ib's side, however, since he had subconsciously taken it upon himself to protect her at all costs.